Stone Soup: Inviting Parents to Our Learning

This year we invited our parents to come and learn with us! It was a great experience and a way to build community.

We had read Stone Soup recently and decided as a class that it would a lot of fun to do this together. We ended up having so many vegetables donated to our class collection that we ended up making two soups. One was a potato leek soup and the other was a mixed vegetable soup. We made two versions to accommodate our students due to various allergies in our classroom.

I ended up borrowing my mothers food chopper. All hands were on deck to help out. From cleaning, chopping and adding the vegetables to our pots! The teachers cut the vegetables up into small manageable chunks and then students were able to press them into the chopper. 

We have three learning blocks in our classroom. Parents were invited to our third learning block. Students were learning at various learning centres and parents joined in. When they were ready to eat, they came and sampled our soup. 

The children were extremely proud to show off their learning. They showed of their learning portfolios and many included their parents in their play! Several students showed off how we do math talks to their parents, pretending to be a teacher as their parents participated in the learning as a student. 

Students and parents both enjoyed the experience and many parents were happily surprised to see their child eating and enjoying vegetable soup. We cannot wait to have more learning opportunities like this on a regular basis as we plan on doing this monthly!

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